They want to keep us down.
They want to squash our solidarity.
They want to stop worker power in its tracks.
Fight Back!
GREEDY CEOs: Which Bone To Pick

Company: Amazon

Company: Amazon

Company: Dollar General

Company: McDonald's

Company: Trader Joe's
Andy Jassy
Company: AmazonIn his first full year as Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy made $212 million. But Amazon workers, such as entry-level drivers, only make about $18/hr, with some employees even reporting as low as $9/hr. The difference is SHOCKING, and it gets worse when you learn about all Amazon does to put stocks and profits before the people who keep Amazon running! Just this year:
- Amazon workers in the UK WALKED OUT over low pay and poor treatment
- Amazon was accused of forcing workers to relocate, or risk losing their jobs
- OSHA fined Amazon over $150,000 for worker safety and protection violations
Something’s got to give. It’s clear Amazon and its #GreedyCEO Andy Jassy, are focused on profits over people. TODAY, stand with Amazon workers and NOT with #GreedyCEOs.
Jeff Bezos
Company: AmazonMost people know that Jeff Bezos, Executive Chairman of Amazon, is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Why is he so rich? He built his fortune off the backs of working people. Now that he’s not technically a #GreedyCEO, but IS still a greedy executive, he’s doing everything he can to crush Amazon workers’ movement and keep them from being respected, protected, and paid.
Did you know:
- Amazon spent $4.3 million on anti-union consultants in 2021 alone
- Bezos adds $500 to his wealth Every. Single. Second.
Stand up to this greedy executive! Email Amazon today to tell Jeff Bezos and Amazon’s #GreedyCEO to STOP union busting!
Todd Vasos
Company: Dollar GeneralWith over 19,000+ stores in 47 states, Dollar General is one of America’s biggest retailers. Like most #GreedyCEOs, Todd Vasos is working overtime to stop workers from speaking out against unsafe working conditions and low pay. With the wave of workers speaking out across the country, workers at Dollar General are demanding to be respected, protected, and PAID!
With 37.8 Billion in sales (2022), it’s unbelievable that the median salary of a part-time employee was just under $18,000 in 2021. Tell Dollar General to pay workers a fair wage!
Email Dollar General now—>
Chris Kempczinski
Company: McDonald'sALL workers have the right to a safe workplace. But the truth is, at McDonald’s, harassment, violence, and unsafe working conditions are pervasive. No worker should ever have to face such conditions, and it adds insult to injury when McDonald’s refuses to provide a living wage and paid sick leave. While workers continually ask for the bare minimum to help them live, McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski has been rolling in the dough. His income in 2022 was 17 MILLION DOLLARS—1,224 times the median pay of a McDonald’s worker.
Enough! Demand McDonald’s and its #GreedyCEO take REAL steps to make their stores safe for all McDonald’s employees, and to pay workers a wage that restores dignity & respect in their everyday work lives.
Bryan Palbaum
Company: Trader Joe'sTrader Joe’s likes to brag about its sustainable practices, marketing itself as a grocery store that’s a “welcoming journey full of discovery and fun.” So you might be surprised to find out it’s just another greedy corporation with just another #GreedyCEO trying to stop us from coming together in our unions. While worker’s at four Trader Joe’s locations successfully organized and WON their union, Trader Joe’s CEO Bryan Palbaum has been accused of not only refusing to come to the table—just like the former CEO Dan Bane—but introducing a LAWSUIT mere weeks into his tenure to try to distract and discredit workers and their union!
The movement for better pay & safe workplaces at Trader Joe’s is growing. Take action and demand Bryan Palbaum and Trader Joe’s STOP their union busting! Take action >>
Andy Jassy
Company: AmazonIn his first full year as Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy made $212 million. But Amazon workers, such as entry-level drivers, only make about $18/hr, with some employees even reporting as low as $9/hr. The difference is SHOCKING, and it gets worse when you learn about all Amazon does to put stocks and profits before the people who keep Amazon running! Just this year:
- Amazon workers in the UK WALKED OUT over low pay and poor treatment
- Amazon was accused of forcing workers to relocate, or risk losing their jobs
- OSHA fined Amazon over $150,000 for worker safety and protection violations
Something’s got to give. It’s clear Amazon and its #GreedyCEO Andy Jassy, are focused on profits over people. TODAY, stand with Amazon workers and NOT with #GreedyCEOs.
Jeff Bezos
Company: AmazonMost people know that Jeff Bezos, Executive Chairman of Amazon, is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Why is he so rich? He built his fortune off the backs of working people. Now that he’s not technically a #GreedyCEO, but IS still a greedy executive, he’s doing everything he can to crush Amazon workers’ movement and keep them from being respected, protected, and paid.
Did you know:
- Amazon spent $4.3 million on anti-union consultants in 2021 alone
- Bezos adds $500 to his wealth Every. Single. Second.
Stand up to this greedy executive! Email Amazon today to tell Jeff Bezos and Amazon’s #GreedyCEO to STOP union busting!
Todd Vasos
Company: Dollar GeneralWith over 19,000+ stores in 47 states, Dollar General is one of America’s biggest retailers. Like most #GreedyCEOs, Todd Vasos is working overtime to stop workers from speaking out against unsafe working conditions and low pay. With the wave of workers speaking out across the country, workers at Dollar General are demanding to be respected, protected, and PAID!
With 37.8 Billion in sales (2022), it’s unbelievable that the median salary of a part-time employee was just under $18,000 in 2021. Tell Dollar General to pay workers a fair wage!
Email Dollar General now—>
Chris Kempczinski
Company: McDonald'sALL workers have the right to a safe workplace. But the truth is, at McDonald’s, harassment, violence, and unsafe working conditions are pervasive. No worker should ever have to face such conditions, and it adds insult to injury when McDonald’s refuses to provide a living wage and paid sick leave. While workers continually ask for the bare minimum to help them live, McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski has been rolling in the dough. His income in 2022 was 17 MILLION DOLLARS—1,224 times the median pay of a McDonald’s worker.
Enough! Demand McDonald’s and its #GreedyCEO take REAL steps to make their stores safe for all McDonald’s employees, and to pay workers a wage that restores dignity & respect in their everyday work lives.
Bryan Palbaum
Company: Trader Joe'sTrader Joe’s likes to brag about its sustainable practices, marketing itself as a grocery store that’s a “welcoming journey full of discovery and fun.” So you might be surprised to find out it’s just another greedy corporation with just another #GreedyCEO trying to stop us from coming together in our unions. While worker’s at four Trader Joe’s locations successfully organized and WON their union, Trader Joe’s CEO Bryan Palbaum has been accused of not only refusing to come to the table—just like the former CEO Dan Bane—but introducing a LAWSUIT mere weeks into his tenure to try to distract and discredit workers and their union!
The movement for better pay & safe workplaces at Trader Joe’s is growing. Take action and demand Bryan Palbaum and Trader Joe’s STOP their union busting! Take action >>
Fight Back!
Sign up today and you’ll automatically be a part of our future actions that call out the people at the top and demand accountability from all who want to keep working people down.
Working people are DONE with hearing about the millions greedy CEOs make while we scrape by, barely affording rent or able to plan for the future or the futures of our loved ones.
If you’re with us and want to pressure CEOs like those at Amazon or Trader Joe’s to pay us what we’re owed and meet workers at the table, take action with us today!
#GreedyCEOs in the WILD
Hey greedy CEOs-Stop raising prices and blaming “inflation.” It’s greedflation. You need to be fired. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. #SolidaritySeason
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) November 30, 2023
Jeff Bezos became $2 billion richer on Friday.
— Warren Gunnels (@GunnelsWarren) November 27, 2023
He's now worth $171 billion.
Amazon is a $1.54 trillion company.
It was fined just $7,000 after an Indiana worker died from injuries as a result of Amazon's dangerous working conditions.
Our health & safety laws are a cruel joke.
These greedy CEOs have taken so much from us, and we have to unite to stop them or they’re gonna take much more.
— People’s Action (@PplsAction) July 18, 2023
Let this summer serve as a reminder to greedy CEOs and big corporations:
— Hill Harper (@hillharper) August 1, 2023
It’s everyday workers who keep the lights on – not top executives.
Treat workers fairly and pay them what they’re truly worth, or you’re OUT OF BUSINESS!
Working people across industries have been absolutely clear about what we’re demanding! We’re fighting to be respected, protected, and paid. So while pizza is cool, we’re not letting #GreedyCEOs use rhetoric and perks to stop us this #SolidaritySeason!
— SEIU (@SEIU) September 5, 2023
TRUTH! Working people across industries are unionizing because we must be respected, protected & paid! When we leave our fate up to the whims of #GreedyCEOs, even if that corporation seems progressive, we run the critical risk of not having a say in the decisions that affect us…
— SEIU (@SEIU) November 20, 2023
There are so many things wrong with this reality! …including #GreedyCEOs claiming that companies can accommodate such steep executive pay raises, but can’t support a living wage for their employees. The challenge is not lack of funds, but redistribution of wealth. #RaiseTheWage
— SEIU (@SEIU) August 15, 2023
Joining a union helps make our lives easier. Our community will fight for our rights, safer working conditions, higher wages, and better benefits! Join a union today and be a part of the movement. ✊💜 #unionpride #unionyes #solidarityseason
— SEIU Texas (@SEIUTX) November 5, 2023
Billionaires & #GreedyCEOs are powerful and the rules are rigged, but when we join together in our unions, we have the numbers, momentum and solidarity to change the balance and rewrite the rules! #UnionsForAll 💪🏿💪🏽💪🏻
— SEIU (@SEIU) November 5, 2023
#GreedyCEOs are being paid 272x more than workers who actually keep corporations running. The system is designed for working people to be left behind. It's time to demand what we have earned!
— Mary Kay Henry (@MaryKayHenry) August 8, 2023